Subterranean insects can cause destructive concealed damage to a home’s wood structure. Conley Home Inspections, LLC will be happy to provide a termite inspection and letter.
Termite letters are strongly recommended for any real estate transaction. A “Termite Letter” verifies if there was any evidence of active or previous infestation of wood-destroying organisms such as termites or beetles. It will also include other earth-to-wood contact.
Most conditions are treatable and structural issues are reparable if active termites are found. Conley Home Inspections, LLC partners with Contractors Best Pest Solutions to provide clients with competitive quotes for treating the home and costs typically can be resolved between agents and sellers.
Conley Inspections, LLC highly recommends bundling inspection services with ancillary services, including Radon Testing, Mold Sampling and a Termite Letter.
Call Conley Home Inspections, LLC today for further information.